Why are horseshoes considered lucky?

Why are horseshoes considered lucky?

Posted by Abigail Edwards on

We have been making colorful Delta Pony Shoes for awhile now. We know hanging a horseshoe above your door is a symbol of good luck; but it got us thinking... why is that? 

The belief that horseshoes are considered lucky has its roots in various folkloric and cultural traditions. The association between horseshoes and good luck is thought to have originated in Europe, particularly in medieval times. Here are a few reasons why horseshoes are considered lucky:

  1. Horseshoes are traditionally made of iron, a material believed to have protective qualities. In ancient times, iron was considered a powerful and magical substance, capable of warding off evil spirits and bringing good fortune. Placing a horseshoe over a doorway was thought to protect the home and its occupants from harm.

  2. Horseshoes are often shaped like a crescent or a "U," which some cultures associate with the moon, a symbol of good fortune and protection. The moon has long been linked to various superstitions and beliefs about positive energy.

  3. Horses were highly valued in many societies for their strength, speed, and contributions to agriculture and transportation. As horseshoes were essential for protecting the hooves of working horses, they became associated with the well-being of these valuable animals. Good fortune for horses could also translate to good fortune for their owners.

  4. A popular legend attributes the association of horseshoes with luck to Saint Dunstan, a historical figure who lived in the 10th century. According to the legend, Saint Dunstan, who was a blacksmith before becoming the Archbishop of Canterbury, once nailed a horseshoe to the hoof of the Devil. The Devil, in great pain, begged for mercy, and Dunstan agreed to remove the horseshoe but only on the condition that the Devil would never enter a place where a horseshoe was displayed. This story contributed to the belief that horseshoes could ward off evil.



As with many superstitions, the belief in the luck associated with horseshoes is rooted in cultural traditions and folklore rather than any scientific basis. Nevertheless, the symbolism persists in various cultures, and horseshoes are often used as decorative and symbolic elements to attract good luck and ward off misfortune. We love the stories behind the popularity of horseshoes as good luck symbols. Make this good luck symbol even more personal to you by choosing your own colors with our Custom Delta Pony Shoe.


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