Coming Soon to San Antonio, Texas!

Coming Soon to San Antonio, Texas!

Posted by Jessica Knopp on

Son of a Sailor has been rooted deep in the heart of Texas since we began in May of 2012. We've called Austin our home since the beginning, and have cultivated a wonderful community in our Canopy studio storefront location.

Billy and I have since moved our home to San Antonio. As a long-time resident of Austin, we had made a southerly shift about 6 years ago to San Marcos. After settling there for quite a while, we felt the draw further South.

Born in Texas (Billy having "got here as soon as possible") I have called many of it's major cities my home. In some sense, it's only right that we moved on to one of Texas' crown jewels, San Antonio. 

We were beckoned by the music, the color, the food, and honestly the people. As our desire grew for a larger, more bustling town than San Marcos (praise be to the healing waters of the river, but the town proved a bit too small for my blood!) we were lured by San Antonio. It's the Alamo that got us.

So we're settled here, and we've found ourselves a beautiful storefront to grow into! We're keeping the Austin storefront where it is -- don't worry! But in the coming weeks we will give you more and more details about our new location.

Stay tuned for news about the shop, some exciting new projects, and (of course) the party we will be having to celebrate!

Oh, and we're hiring, so check it out if you wanna join the team

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